Composition - The Martial Arts of photography in 3 simple steps
You recognize a great image when you see it.
But do you also know the 3-step plan to create fantastic photos that make heads turn?
In just over 1 hour from now, you can hold the key to create images that command people to look at them, regardless of your current level.
Composition is sort of like martial arts. With the correct knowledge and technique, you can beat most people and become a master.
I can teach you the techniques that work in record time.
Almost Like Neo in The Matrix learning Kung-fu - but without sticking a rod in the back of your head.
I use video, which is more hygienic.
I'll explain everything you need to know.
But like a great martial artist trains to hone technique, you also have to train your eye and brain to implement the methods to become fluent in them.
Sorry dude, viewing and listening to it is not enough; you also have to do what I teach you.
And when you do:
It Works.
I use these techniques in everything I do, and that's why many people like my images and likely the reason I've won so many competitions.
Composing great images is not that hard.
Everyone can learn this. The first part of the three-step-plan I teach is to have your image contain or take on a specific shape:
- A diagonal
- An s-curve
- Something sharp or pointy-looking
- A dominant figure.
Doing this right will activate the reptile part of viewers' brains and demand they look closer.
So you don't believe it's that easy, right?
You want to know why it works, and you want to see examples.
Of course, you do.
It just sounds too good to be real, right?
Let me explain:
When a baby is around 9-12 months, it will start to walk.
It's super hard for them at first; they wobble, lose their balance, and need to hold onto something.
Six months later, they walk steadily.
It seemed impossible to them at first.
But once they understand the principle, learn it's doable, and train sufficiently, the baby can walk or even run.
They go from nowhere to everywhere in just six months.
Composition works the same way.
I can teach you EVERYTHING you need to know in just over 1 hour.
60 minutes.
Like Neo.
And that even includes an explanation of why it works.
I've cut out all the unnecessary stuff.
I'll only give you the information you need to understand this.
I'm not wasting your time with fluffy concepts that don't work and that you can't easily employ anyway.
This guide will take you through everything you need to know to compose great images.
I've based it on model images.
But landscape-, architecture-, wedding- and street images, etc., are governed by exactly the same principles.
This is not a 1-hour video guide.
- This is all the knowledge I've accumulated over 35 years of photography during countless workshops, one-on-one tuitions, and thousands of hours trying to work out what works and why.
- This is you avoiding spending years and years creating images that only a few people see.
- It's the key to your new photographic life.
- The key to you beginning to create images that command attention.
Add this to your cart on the button above, and 90min from now, you will hold the knowledge you need to compose and create great images.
This digital download document contains a link to an online video of just one hour. And additionally, a PDF document with 9 of Thomas' images explains how he employed the principles of composition on these particular images and, thus, why they work.
You will NOT be able to download the video, but you will be able to view it as often as you like. In the event of updates, you will automatically be notified and have access to any new information.
Be advised there are plenty of tasteful nude images in the video and illustrations, so if you are opposed to nudity, this is likely not for you.