Lanzarote Sept. 24-27: 4 days Exclusive Art Nude workshop

  • 16.250,00 kr
Tax included.

Experience a fantastic Art of Nude Photography holiday in the Stunning Landscapes of Lanzarote.

Join master photographer Thomas Holm for an exclusive 3(1/2)-day workshop with top models Wianamodel, Georgia Brown, The Endless Sinner, and Zsan Of Sweden.
Four stunning women who are not only amazing models but are also super fun to hang out with.

Workshop Overview:

September 24-27

The first day, we'll start at 1 PM/13.00 at the workshop villa.
The following days, we'll start between 7-8 AM. 
Each day, shooting will finish around 7.30 PM/19.30 and head to dinner at a local restaurant (included) afterward.
Last evening, we'll serve tapas at the workshop villa.

Location: Charco del Palo, Lanzarote

Join the fun

Embark on a photographic journey that explores the captivating art of nude photography amidst the breathtaking volcanic scenery of Lanzarote. Expect slot canyons, black beaches, lava tubes, stunning architecture, sea caves, and more.

I've designed the workshop for photographers eager to enhance their skills and creativity and for accomplished photographers who want an opportunity to capture stunning art nude model images in some of Europe's most unique and picturesque locations. 

In either event, you'll be shooting in the most breathtaking settings without the hassle of paying for models' travel or researching locations.
All that is taken care of from you arrive until you leave.

And one detail you might be interested in:
Public nudity is allowed in Lanzarote (with some limitations), so there will be opportunities for shoots that are hard to find elsewhere.

What You'll get out of this:

  • Master Composition Techniques: 
    Learn how to frame your subjects for maximum visual impact, using triune brain theory to captivate the viewer's attention and "force them" to engage with your images.
  • Increase your creativity, and learn how to create your style
    We'll give you amazing insights on creating unique photos that nobody but you can create and show you a path to refine your style into a recognizable style.
  • Utilizing Natural Light: 
    Discover the magic of working with natural light to create soft,
    dramatic and ethereal images.
  • Model Interaction:
    Gain confidence in directing and engaging with models to bring out
    their best poses. Our professional models will also offer suggestions on improving communication and posing to enhance your skills, should you need that.
  • Create Timeless Images: 
    Focus on producing work that stands out and remains
    impactful over time.
    Thomas Holm will share his considerable award-winning knowledge and experience to help you excel.

Workshop Details:

Price: DKK 13.000 (excluding tax).

There are two payment options:

  • You can pay it all at once
  • Or split it into three rates: 
    The first rate is payable online upon booking; the second and third is via Payment Link (credit card online) or Bank transfer (Swift/Bic code via your online bank). Alternatively we can arrange payment via Paypal at an additional 5% fee.
    Use Checkout code LZ workshop Incremental pay to pay 40% of the workshop fee.
    By using the above discount code, you agree to adhere to the terms listed at the bottom of the page.(*)

Workshop includes:

  • Ongoing support and advice from Thomas Holm throughout the workshop
  • Access and transportation to locations pre-selected for their stunning visual appeal and chosen with respect to safety (such as high tide/high winds)
  • Personalized feedback sessions to improve your photography
  • Opportunities for early morning/late afternoon shoots for best light
  • Professional tutoring by Thomas Holm
  • Model fees, including model releases
  • The possibility of shooting erotic images in a trusting and respectful environment
  • Communal dinners to bond with the group and promote interaction with the models

    Does NOT include:

  • Travel/flights and personal expenses.
  • Accommodation and lunch (Both are inexpensive in Lanzarote)
  • Admission to museums and vineyards we might visit.
  • On the first two days following the workshop, extra 1:1 shoots with the models can be booked.

The workshop is limited to eight people, so there is a 2:1 photographer-to-model ratio.

One key advantage of our multi-day workshop format is the ability to shoot during the golden hours of early morning and late evening, ensuring the best natural light for your photography. 
That leaves midday for locations that work best for indoor shoots, possibly a bit of sightseeing (there are some super cool need-to-see places in Lanzarote), and lunch when the light is a bit harsh for photoshoots during the day.

There will also be afternoon feedback sessions to provide continual feedback and some time to relax, have a dip in the pool, or take a nap at your accommodation.

The workshop base is a 250m2 Villa with a heated pool. It is well-groomed and decorated in typical island villa style, with plenty of gorgeous features for backdrops and locations.


We recommend staying somewhere in Charco del Palo, an optional nudist village that will serve as our workshop base. 

Check out or Airbnb, accommodation is inexpensive if you book early, and it will enhance your experience being nearby.

The workshop base is at the northern end of the village (C. Punta Del Pasito), and the entire town is within minutes walking distance.

All trips will begin from the workshop base.

NB: Nudity in the village is not required and is not in your face. 
Supermarket and restaurants are clothed areas.
Clothes are fine anywhere in the village; nudity is optional.


Travel to Lanzarote
We suggest traveling to Lanzarote (Airport code ACE) the day before so you will be well-rested and not stressed out in case of delays. 
If you can't arrive the day before, let us know when you arrive, and we'll advise accordingly.

The easiest way to get from the airport to Charco Del Palo is to either grab a taxi or rent a car (car rental is very cheap on the island, and all main roads are well maintained).
We will set up a WhatsApp group some days before the workshop, which can help with carpooling.

Model Information
Our fantastic models on this trip are:

  • Georgia Brown (UK)
  • The Endless Sinner (Sweden)
  • Wiana model (Iceland/DK
  • Zsan Of Sweden (Sweden).

Each model has unique characteristics and is very open and accommodating, and you are guaranteed to love working with all of them.

They will work with you in a trusting environment to create stunning and tasteful images, offering suggestions and posing techniques to help you capture their best sides. 
They can work unaided and also take direction well.
Everyone is comfortable with respectful erotic photography, should anyone be interested in creating this style. 

Requirements to participate

The requirements for participating in the workshop are easy.
This is for everyone who wants to photograph art nudes regardless of current level:

  • Your proficiency level or which camera you own doesn't matter. 
    Thomas Holm will assist you to whatever degree you require with respect to the other participants' needs. 
    If you are super skilled and prefer no help during shoots, that is fine, too.
  • You own a camera that can be set to manual and have a reasonably good idea about how to use it.
    Even if you only have a 50mm, you can join. And having something like a 24/28-70mm will cover almost anything you need.
  • You want to create art-nude images of beautiful models in a relaxed (and warm) location.
  • You will respect the model's boundaries and treat them (and the other participants) respectfully, we all want a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.
  • We suggest bringing a laptop for sorting and looking at images as the workshop progresses.

What you will get when joining this workshop

  • Exclusive access to shoot in unique and stunning locations that are otherwise hard to find and have been pre-selected for their visual impact.
  • Expert Guidance from Thomas Holm, a multi-award-winning art-nude
    photographer with years of experience and a wealth of knowledge.
    And you are free to pick his brains on anything related to photography.
  • Hands-on learning will benefit you from practical shooting sessions combined with in-depth evaluations and suggestions, allowing you to improve each day.
  • A group setting with a 2:1 Photographer/model ratio ensures ample shooting time and a supportive learning environment with like-minded participants.
  • This is your chance to break free from creative blocks and discover newfound creativity, inspiration, and techniques to elevate your photography.
  • And not to forget: You will have a great time photographing amazingly beautiful women, and you will have FUN doing it.

Secure your spot now for an unforgettable photographic experience.

We did two similar sold-out workshops last year, and had raving reviews from everyone who participated.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn and grow as a photographer in one of Europe's most beautiful and inspiring locations. 

Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your art and create stunning images
that will stand the test of time.

Spend time bonding with fantastic models you will love working with and other photographers who understand your fascination with art nude photography.

Are you joining us?


All the boring but necessary legalese:

When you sign up, you are free to cancel until July 1st.
After that, the signup is binding, but you can pass on your space to another photographer if you know someone interested in going. 
We can also help you find another participant to take your space should you be unable to participate, provided this is possible and for a reasonable fee.

(*) If you book and choose incremental payment before August, you will pay 40% upon signup. 

The two remaining installments, each for 30%, will be payable as follows:

If you book after the 14th of a month, the next installment will be due two calendar months later, and the last installment a month later, as illustrated below:

  • Sign up, and pay 40% on April 5. Then 30% on May 3rd. + 30% on June 3rd.
  • Sign up, and pay 40% on April 15. Then 30% on June 3rd. + 30% on July 3rd.

If you sign up during August (pending availability), we can split the payment into two installments: 

  • Pay 50% online upon signup August 1-31. Then the remaining 50% by September 3rd.

You can pay the remaining installment(s) via a Payment link (credit card) or Bank Transfer (Swift/Bic in your online bank).

The following sounds harsh, and we REALLY don't want to invoke this.
But we also don't want to spend a lot of energy and frustration trying in vain to make someone fulfill their obligation to pay.
If you choose payment 
installments, please make sure to pay on time.

Should you fail to pay any of the following installments, we will alert you within 7 days.
If you still fail to pay the remainder within 7 days, you forfeit (lose) your space and will not receive a refund.
We will make "your" space available to other participants, and you will lose the installment(s) you have paid.

All workshop fees and installments must be paid no later than two weeks before the workshop starts, regardless of when the booking is made.